协和教育IB国际课程2015届毕业典礼 SUIS-GuBei 2015 Graduation Ceremony
今年,硕果累累。协和教育旗下三大高中国际课程(协和双语高级中学IB课程、万源城协和双语学校美国高中及AP课程、教科实验中学加拿大BC课程)的毕业生,共137名,获取来自全球160多所优秀大学发放的录取通知书,其中约包括美国大学80所,英国大学33所,加拿大32所和澳大利亚5所, 瑞士4所,香港3所,日本1所,新加坡1所,香港1所。
SUIS Gubei Secondary now has had its 4thgeneration of high school graduates in June 2015. It is so exciting to see the longlist of students’ acceptances from the world’s top universities. This indicatesthe extensive academic success of Xiehe international education.
These graduates are composed of local Chinese and many internationalstudents from the UK, USA, France, Singapore, Canada, Hong Kong, South Korea,Taiwan, Italy, Netherlands, and many other countries. They started theireducation in Xiehe between 2 and 12 years ago. Some of them receivedinternational education from childhood, and some were transferred from otherShanghai schools. No matter what kind of educational pathways they haveexperienced before, they still maintained their dream to be admitted by thevery best overseas universities on completing secondary school.
SUIS of 2015 have 137 graduates in total. As of May, 2015, they have received over 160 offer letters from the world’s top colleges and universities, which includes about 80 colleges and universities in America, 33 prestigious colleges and universities in UK, 32 top colleges and universities in Canada, 5 best universities in Australia.
Over 30 our honors students are awarded scholarships in the total amount of more than 6 million RMB by over 20 colleges and universities to recognize their academic and personal achievements.